Rotovac Carpet Tile & Grout Cleaning Complete Equipment Package

Includes Monsoon 250, Cleaning Spinner Tool, Water Otter, Chemical Package, hoses, brush, sprayer, squeegee wand, & training w/ lifetime tech support.

The package for all around mobility is especially great in high rise buildings, malls and restricted access building complexes. It can also be upgraded to include optional soft surface cleaning.


Monsoon 250 Dual Vac


Tile & Grout Cleaning Spinner Tool - TH-40........................................ $1024 TH40
High Power Pump 1600 psi adjustable...................................................................... $850.00 RV-1069
Rotovac Chemical Package - 2 Gallons RVTGC......................................... $100.00 RVTGC
25' Vacuum and Solution Hose Set ........................................................... $140 25FTHS
Grout Brush & Handle ................................................................................ $19.00 GB-001/GB-002
Inline Sprayer............................................................................................... $159.00 10-0507
Squeegee Wand............................................................................................... $347.00 W156012
Manual Cleaning Wand ................................. $389 10-1455
Training and Lifetime Toll Free Technical Support ................................. Included

FULL RETAIL PRICE TOTAL........$5,523.00



TOLL FREE 888-768-6822

*Ranger includes 50' HP hose, 25' drain hose, faucet adapter kit and manual fill hose

Patented One Step Technology
Part # Description Price



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  • Toll free (888)768-6822
  • Peter x 118
  • Chuck x 106

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For additional questions, please feel free to call us toll free at 1-888-768-6822.

International customers dial country code + 425-883-6746.


Total reviews: 1
5 out of 5 stars
Ellen Fagan
Back in 2009, I ordered a start up kit from Rotovac like this! I had never cleaned a carpet in my life and knew nothing about it. I started out with just the carpet cleaning kit but shortly thereafter added the tile and grout cleaning portion to the startup package. Then a little later I added the upholstery cleaning tools so that I could offer my clients one stop shopping for all their cleaning needs of carpet cleaning, tile & grout cleaning and upholstery cleaning. That was many years ago now but since then my husband gave up his successful career and joined me, our kids have joined me and we have had many other employees over the years with revenues well in excess of $2 million dollars. You just can't go wrong having what I feel is the best equipment in the industry and their support every step of the way! If I had to do it all over again, I would do it the same. We have 5 star reviews everywhere and our clients are constantly telling us that we got out carpet stains that others were not able to get out with the old fashioned wand. The spinning, scrubbing action of the Rotovac carpet cleaning products is the game changer and the reason we stand out from our competition. You just can't go wrong with any of the Rotovac startup packages and you can always add to it when you are ready to add more services. Good luck and cheers to your success in the business! Ellen Fagan- Owner of Steam Clean My Carpets, LLC

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Call us for more information about the Rotovac Carpet Tile & Grout Cleaning Complete Equipment Package. 888-768-6822