Odorcide Dumpster & Chute

Odorcide dumpster big

For best results, wait until the dumpster is empty and clean/remove any remaining debris. This will enhance the ability of Odorcide Dumpster & Chute to get to the source of the odor which is critical to the elimination process. Add 2-4 oz of concentrate to 1 gallon of water. The initial application may require 4 oz/gal while subsequent treatments may only require 2 oz/gal. The dosage can be varied based on the severity of odor. Apply solution using a tank, trigger or end-of-hose sprayer depending on the size of the dumpster. Ensure all walls, corners, the floor and lid are treated to effectively reach the source of the odor.

Part # Description Price


128 oz.

Rotovac Price: $66.00


16 oz.

Rotovac Price: $13.00

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Call us for more information about the Odorcide Dumpster & Chute. 888-768-6822